(Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti) - Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readi-ness and Logistics, Vice Adm. Phil Cullom, annouced that Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, has been recognized as the number one overseas US Naval installationfor environmental quality. “Congratulations to all our accomplished winners for their impressive achievements in protecting environmental assets while maintaining mission readi-ness,” said Cullom at a Washington press conference. “The Navy commends youfor your innovative and tireless efforts to demonstrate environmental stewardshipand ensure national security. Bravo Zulu!” For the past eight years, Michael-Bruno Djibouti, has provided environmentalsupport services to the Camp Lemonnier Public Work Department. As such, it is proud to be selected as one of the 30 worldwide commands to receive thisChief of Naval Operations Environmental Award for fiscal year 2016. “This recognition is directly related to the high-quality, professional service ofour environmental technicians, Isman Hadi and Said Farah, who provide field andoperations support to the Camp’s Environmental Division,” said Michael Sedge, president of the Michael-Bruno Group. Michael-Bruno was the first US firm to open a Djibouti company, in 2007. Sincethat time they have supported over 32 government contracts and successfullycompleted more than 200 projects in East Africa requiring design, engineering andconstruction management. For more information: http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=99340
Our multi-national team of professional architects and urban planners provide an array of ...
Michael-Bruno’s engineering services are wide-ranging, covering civil, electrical, ...
Michael-Bruno is currently providing professional staffing to the US government in Bahrain...
Construction management has been the backbone of Michael-Bruno’s activities for three ...
Example of Michael-Bruno's recent works of architecture, engineering, and general design ...